Right now Microsoft has a lot of work to do.
Even the most ardent Windows fans have now accused Microsoft of having a “ Software Quality Problem. In January Windows 10 updates turned PCs with AMD hardware into an ' unbootable state, ' a major April upgrade had to be pulled for causing the infamous Blue Screen of Death ( BSOD ), and the aforementioned October update permanently deleted personal files. How to Downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Home EditionIf you looking for a way to downgrade your windows 10 pro to home and you dont want to lose any da. It is also the fourth major incident this year. It remains a serious bone of contention with many users that Windows 10 has taken much greater control over their computers, making incidents like this hard to avoid. Like The Register, I have contacted Microsoft’s press team for a response and will update this article if one is received. As for users calling Microsoft’s call centres, the response is to simply wait for a fix. On its official Answers page, Microsoft warns there is a “temporary issue” with the company’s activation server but has not disclosed any further details.
Windows 10 has a quality control problem Microsoft